This Jesus Candle craft is extremely versatile for many different projects – any study of Jesus as the Light of the World and of course Christmas! All three of my bigger kiddos loved making these lights.
Use your own creativity with this, as there are multiple ideas on how to use them! We put magnets on the back so we could put them on our whiteboard in the schoolroom. Or you could easily keep them on the fridge. You could poke a small hole and string some ribbon through the top and make an ornament for the Christmas Tree. If you’re a glue gun fan, you could glue on your ribbon for an ornament.
If your kiddos really like this project, you could create 10 or so and string them together to make a ‘Jesus is the Light of the World’ garland to hang on the mantle. So many options!
Items You’ll Need:
– popsicle sticks
– red/orange/yellow tissue paper
– colored card stock
– glue sticks
– magnet or hanging ribbon – whichever you choose to work with
How to Make a Jesus Candle
Out of your cardstock, cut out a 1” x 4” piece of paper to serve as the base of the candle. Glue the cardstock ‘candle’ onto the base of the popsicle stick.
Confession: I didn’t have any cardstock that was Christmas-y colored, so I used a beautiful piece of green paper and cut it to fit on a piece of white cardstock. Glued the green onto the cardstock and we had a nice looking candle. I always try to make do with the craft supplies that we have. Sometimes that doesn’t work out, but I’m glad it did this time.
Now tear off several pieces of the colored tissue paper. This is going to be the flame of the candle. Completely cover the exposed portion of the candle with glue and then start sticking on the different colors of tissue paper. Then glue on top of the tissue paper and add even more flames. The more you use, the prettier it will be!
If your kiddos want to, they can decorate the actual candle portion.
Lastly, place a magnet on the back and place somewhere your children can see it often. Or glue on a hanger and place on your tree!
And here’s a picture of my Littlest One. Oh she’s so sweet! She didn’t make a candle, since she would have surely eaten the tissue paper. But she had a great time watching her siblings.
Using Your Jesus Candle
Whether it is Christmastime or not, it’s always the right time to discuss why Jesus is ‘the Light of the World.’ Pair this craft with singing This Little Light of Mine and reading Scripture, and you have a great Sunday School, Children’s Church or Homeschool Bible activity.
Are you following along in 5 Days of Christmas? This is a talented group of bloggers with such wonderful Christmas-y ideas. Happy Reading!
A Slob Comes Clean – Getting Your Home Company Ready
Feels Like Home – Christmas Traditions
Somewhat Crunchy – Christmas with Dairy Allergies
Spell Outloud – Children’s Books
Many Little Blessings – Edible Gifts
Sunflower Schoolhouse – Decorations
An Oregon Cottage – Christmas Cookies
Catholic Icing – Wishing Jesus Happy Birthday
The Traveling Praters – Traveling
The Homeschool Classroom – Gifts Kids Can Make
Mama’s Laundry Talk – Laundry Gifts
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Yay! I was looking for something to use for my 3-5 Sunday School class, and this is perfect. We are discussing Luke 1:68-79 and I am going to focus on Jesus as a light to us (last 2 verses). We will add them (as ornaments) to our church Christmas tree. Thanks for a great project idea!
Patti, I’m so glad you can use it! I’ve written a small Children’s Bible Study to go along with the craft…I just need to find time to get it posted!
Enjoy your Sunday. 🙂
Thank you! Perfect Sunday School activity!
Thank you so much. I’m using it with my Sunday School group also. I appreciate you sharing your ideas and methods. 🙂
So glad you can use the idea, DJ! Thanks for stopping by –