This Addition Math Game is a fun way to practice addition facts without using traditional flash cards.
How to Set Up the Addition Match Game:
Print both pages for each fact family.
The page which contains only numbers will be the game board. Leave it intact and do not cut it.
The other page contains the addition problem that must be solved. Cut the page into pieces using the colored lines as a guide.
If you downloaded the whole set, you’ll notice that the game board and the corresponding equation have the same color. In the event that your game board and pieces become separated, you can easily sort the sets again.
Since you’ll probably use these games multiple times (we did!), make sure to print them on cardstock and laminate them if you have a home laminator.
Side Note: We use a lot of card stock each week, so I’ve put in a fair amount of time researching the best price for it. I’ve found that Amazon is by far the cheapest price. The Wausau brand of white card stock can be purchased at $9.70 for 250 sheets. The seller is currently offering free shipping.
How to Play the Addition Match Game:
Choose which set of addition facts your child needs to practice. I’ll choose the 1 facts as an example.
Place the 1’s game board on your desk. Then shuffle the corresponding equations.
Match the fact to the correct answer on the game board by setting the equation on top.
When the game board is filled with equations, shake off the pieces, shuffle, and play again!
When a fact family becomes easy for my son, I start to time how fast he can complete the board. He loves to see his completion time become shorter and shorter! After a set amount of plays, you can take the time records and graph them. So fun!
Addition Match Game for Fact Families 0 and 1
The following download contains the Addition Match Game for 0’s and 1’s.
As a thank you to my email subscribers, fact families 2-9 are available for download. Simply click on the link that states Addition Match Game in the right side bar of this email.
[download id=”126″ format=”1″]
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This is awesome, thanks. My daughter is having so much trouble with her math facts and maybe this game approach will be better than the worksheets.
Oh good! Yes, my son learned his math facts much better without a worksheet. Did you download the whole set? You can either from my FB page or the link is in any Mama’s Learning Corner email in the sidebar.
Also, I wrote this Squidoo lens on learning math facts. The Funny Dice Game is what helped my son the most, I think!
Thanks for stopping by, Jenny. 🙂
I just subscribed to your e-mail. I would like to download and print this math match game but I can’t seem to find a link to click for the download.
Hi Lisa, I just sent you an email. 🙂