Lauren Hill is a Christian mom to 5, ages 19 to 7. She homeschools her children in the classical education tradition and is currently in her 15th year of homeschool. She creates engaging worksheets and hands-on printable activities for Preschool and Elementary age children to supplement their daily studies.
Serioiusly, Kindergarten?? I am homeschooling my kids for the first time this year, and was going to print this off for my 2nd grader just for extra practice/refresher. When I saw you had this listed for late kindergarten/first grade. I have a prek, and a first grader, and pretty sure my first grader isn’t ready for this, and my kids were in a great private school the last two years! Now I am wondering what else my first grader needs to be doing… Just a little “stressed” out mother of 5/first year homeschooling mom 🙂
Oh Mama, please don’t stress! 🙂 I’m sorry the grade level made you feel anxious or that automatic response (we all have it!) of comparing. My son’s Kindergarten curriculum introduced very basic plurals and they were re-introduced and practiced in first grade.
Honestly? I detest even putting a grade level on the worksheets I publish. Children are so unique in that they are ready for different concepts at different times – some Kindergarten and some not til second (or third!) grade. I had so many requests to place worksheets and printables into a grade that I felt like I needed to.
But please, please don’t let the whole grade level thing make you feel boxed in or that your children are behind and that you have to catch up. It’s only used as a guide. Feel free to completely ignore it! Ha! 🙂
Shannon – I’m a first year homeschool mom also. And like you I actually saw that grade level and then promptly felt sad about our lack of skill in this area! My twins are in 3rd grade and I was needing some extra practice for them on this. Imagine my disdain. Oh that’s right – you don’t have to. 🙂 I’m constantly telling myself to chill out and just go with my kids’ pace – and then getting a complex about something so simple as Mama’s grade guideline. I’ve actually passed up a lot of stuff on this site because it just depressed me with how we “should” be way past that grade level. So I don’t even look at it. Haha! Maybe it will help me with my 4 year old twins who I will be homeschooling starting this summer. Isn’t it silly that this one little thing has been on my mind? I seriously kept thinking “how on earth will I get my littles to this level by Kindergarten – aaargh!”. Oh my how us newbies worry.
So THANKS Mama for clarifying – I will look a little closer and try to not compare….and to just print the stinkin’ worksheet if it’s what my kids need extra practice on right now. 🙂 Phew!
Serioiusly, Kindergarten?? I am homeschooling my kids for the first time this year, and was going to print this off for my 2nd grader just for extra practice/refresher. When I saw you had this listed for late kindergarten/first grade. I have a prek, and a first grader, and pretty sure my first grader isn’t ready for this, and my kids were in a great private school the last two years! Now I am wondering what else my first grader needs to be doing… Just a little “stressed” out mother of 5/first year homeschooling mom 🙂
Oh Mama, please don’t stress! 🙂 I’m sorry the grade level made you feel anxious or that automatic response (we all have it!) of comparing. My son’s Kindergarten curriculum introduced very basic plurals and they were re-introduced and practiced in first grade.
Honestly? I detest even putting a grade level on the worksheets I publish. Children are so unique in that they are ready for different concepts at different times – some Kindergarten and some not til second (or third!) grade. I had so many requests to place worksheets and printables into a grade that I felt like I needed to.
But please, please don’t let the whole grade level thing make you feel boxed in or that your children are behind and that you have to catch up. It’s only used as a guide. Feel free to completely ignore it! Ha! 🙂
Thank you for visiting. 🙂
Shannon – I’m a first year homeschool mom also. And like you I actually saw that grade level and then promptly felt sad about our lack of skill in this area! My twins are in 3rd grade and I was needing some extra practice for them on this. Imagine my disdain. Oh that’s right – you don’t have to. 🙂 I’m constantly telling myself to chill out and just go with my kids’ pace – and then getting a complex about something so simple as Mama’s grade guideline. I’ve actually passed up a lot of stuff on this site because it just depressed me with how we “should” be way past that grade level. So I don’t even look at it. Haha! Maybe it will help me with my 4 year old twins who I will be homeschooling starting this summer. Isn’t it silly that this one little thing has been on my mind? I seriously kept thinking “how on earth will I get my littles to this level by Kindergarten – aaargh!”. Oh my how us newbies worry.
So THANKS Mama for clarifying – I will look a little closer and try to not compare….and to just print the stinkin’ worksheet if it’s what my kids need extra practice on right now. 🙂 Phew!
Yes, Girl! Print the stinkin’ worksheet! Who cares about grade level? 😉
Thanks so much for your comment, Tiffany. It’s helpful to know what my readers are looking for and what they need!