Hello Friends! Today I am sharing the next part in my annual homeschool curriculum posts – 10th Grade! Each year, I share exactly what my children and I will be studying during our school year in our Classical Homeschool.
We have completed a few weeks of school so far, and it is going fairly well as we get the kinks sorted out. I have found that we always need to spend some time getting acclimated to new curricula and a new schedule.
Let’s take a look at what my 10th grader (and I!) will be studying this school year! I did not have a classical education, so much of what my children learn in high school, I am learning as well.
➡ Read more: How I Educate Myself as a Classical Homeschool Mom
➡ Browse through all of the homeschool curriculum posts here at Mama’s Learning Corner.
Mama’s Learning Corner uses affiliate links. For more information, please see my disclosure policy. Aside from my affiliate links, I’m not presently affiliated with Memoria Press, BJU, or any other curriculum provider in any way. I’m just a very grateful and satisfied homeschool mama!
10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices on You Tube
If you would rather watch the video about our 10th grade homeschool, you can watch that video here:
➡ You can subscribe to my You Tube channel to see all of my latest videos as soon as I publish them.
10th Grade Geometry
As I mentioned in my 8th Grade Homeschool Curriculum post, we are trying Mr. D Math this year. It is brand new to all of us, and it has taken a bit of time for us to get used to the different format of not having a textbook, and actual format of the class, and the self-paced lessons.
I have no complaints at all, but there is a learning curve. This style of learning math is vastly different from our experience with BJU Algebra I, which is much more traditional.
Pros: The teaching is done for me (I personally detest Geometry), they have scheduled office hours each week with a live (not recorded) teacher, Mr. D is very engaging and personable.
I’ll share one of the main reasons I chose Mr. D in the Biology section, so keep reading!
I will be able to give a good report on our year once we get to the half-way mark. So be on the lookout for that update!
10th Grade Biology
Biology was the one subject that I felt paralyzed in making a decision this school year. I knew that this would be my most challenging homeschool year yet with a senior down to a Kindergartner and my time would even more limited than previous years.
After much research and prayer, I settled on teaching my daughter myself using BJU Biology. I was hoping to use the self-paced classes with her, but those classes are taught using the older edition of Biology, and I wanted her to use the newest edition (copyright 2017).
Because I knew it would require 2-3 classes each week to keep her on track, I decided to outsource the math to Mr. D. There is only one of me to teach, and 5 children that need my attention. I felt more comfortable outsourcing the Geometry (which I don’t want to teach anyway) and feel very comfortable with Biology.
I’ll share my detailed methods in teaching my daughter Biology in a different post, but so far it is going extremely well! Part of that success is being prepared before the school year started. I wasn’t able to have this level of preparedness with every subject for my children prior to our start date, but thankfully I was able to complete Biology’s plans for the first 15 weeks.
I will have to carve out time to finish the rest of the year, but knowing the first 15 weeks is planned down to the letter is so satisfying and I know this will keep us on track.
As for the labs, we will do several as scheduled in the Biology text. We will also have a large dissection lab, hopefully a pig. I was a nurse for 10 years before homeschooling, so Biology and a dissection seems fun to me!
10th Grade Christian Studies
In 4th Grade and up, my children have their own Christian Studies each year in addition to our regular Bible time in the mornings. This year, my 10th grader is reading and studying through the Story of Christianity.
A mother in the Memoria Press forum suggested getting the illustrated version by David Bentley Hart and I have been so thrilled with that purchase! I bought Like New copies on Amazon (I think…or maybe it was AbeBooks) and it has added so much richness to this course. The chosen artwork is beautiful and the timelines and “extras” on the pages are helpful.
My daughter hasn’t had much Church History past the Book of Acts, so this will be new and exciting for us to study.
We are using the Story of Christianity text as I mentioned above, plus the Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook from Memoria Press.
10th Grade Literature
For the first time in many years, I am able to combine a few of my children in different subjects. What a blessing this has already been in our homeschool!
My oldest son attended a couple of private schools for 7th-9th grades and that really through us off in combining my older two for any subjects.
This year, my 10th and 12th grader will combine much of their Literature classes. So far, that is going very well!
We will use various selections from Memoria Press, including the Teacher’s Guides and Student Workbooks. My son and daughter combined will read through the following together: Hamlet, A Tale of Two Cities, and selections from The British Tradition II: Poetry & Prose from the Elizabethan to the Neoclassical Age (1485-1784 A.D.).
Then my daughter will carry on with The Scarlet Letter and Pilgrim’s Progress. My son has already studied those, and he will move on to Anna Karenina.
10th Grade Composition
This year, I have completely outsourced Composition for my oldest 4 children. I have seen the fruit that comes from learning to write via the progymnasmata, and it has been so lovely! My oldest children have now been through years of studying this writing style and their abilities have grown by leaps and bounds. It was such a leap of faith for me to go down this writing style path with my children, as I knew hardly anything about it. I am 100% pleased that I did, however!
➡ If you would like to know more about the Classical Composition model for writing (the progymnasmata), Memoria Press has an excellent article explaining the method itself and why it’s valuable to learn: The Before Exercises – Composition as Training in Virtue
That being said, my daughter is taking Classical Composition VI: Encomium, Invective, & Comparison via the Memoria Press Online Academy. Composition is one of her favorite classes, so I know she will enjoy this year’s writing!
10th Grade Classical Studies: Greek Plays
Since we are a classical homeschool, we study Classical Studies each year. This year, my daughter will be taking Classical Studies III, which is a study of several Greek Plays, with the Memoria Press Online Academy.
The class is scheduled to study Three Theban Plays, The Oresteian Trilogy, and Medea and Other Plays. It will be a great look at the Greek plays themselves, and also at Greek culture as a whole and how that has influenced Western Civilization.
She is also really excited about this class!
10th Grade World History
In addition to Literature, I am able to combine my 10th and 12th grader in World History this year. Again, this is going very well and I attribute that to being completely prepared before the school year started.
When I say ‘completely prepared’ it means that I understand what portions of the text we are covering, what the tests and quizzes are like, and I have planned every week of the class. I was able to completely plan World History and it has made all the difference!
Both of my older children do not mind textbooks for the older grades, so we are using BJU’s World History set. While I prefer living books for every age and grade, I have to be practical about what we can actually accomplish in our homeschool.
I do not have the mental bandwidth to plan a World History year using living books and assignments, no matter how much I would love to do that. A good alternative for this is using a solid, Christian textbook with the assignments mostly completed for me.
I have been through most every word of BJU’s World History, including the questions to answer in the text, the tests, and also the Student Activities book. I am so impressed with this level of survey – it’s just right without being overwhelming and getting lost in the weeds. We are only in Chapter 3 so far, but my older children have both liked the reading and the assignments.
Great! Let’s pray that stays the case throughout the whole year!
10th Grade French II
Once my children are in high school, I allow them to choose the Foreign Language they would most like to study. My 10th grade girl chose to stop Latin and move on to French.
She takes French in an in-person class locally. Her teacher is excellent and she has really enjoyed learning this new language. Since she had quite a bit of Latin under her belt, French has come easily to her.
Her teacher is using Bien Dit! French 2 along with the workbook.
This small, in-person class is such a lovely fit for her.
Are you teaching 10th Grade this year? What are your children studying? I would love to read any comments, so please share! ❤
Here’s a quickie recap of our 10th Grade curriculum choices for this year:
→ Math: Geometry with Mr. D
→ Science: BJU Biology
→ Christian Studies: Story of Christianity set
→ Literature: Various selections from Memoria Press – Hamlet, British Tradition II: Poetry & Prose from the Elizabethan to the Neoclassical Age (1485-1784 A.D.), A Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Letter, and Pilgrim’s Progress
→ Composition: Classical Composition VI: Encomium, Invective, Comparison
→ Classical Studies: Classical Studies III: Greek Plays
→ History: BJU World History
→ Foreign Language: French II using Bien Dit! and workbook
I love these posts, as always! I’m sure you already know this, but, BJU Press has a TM for Pilgrim’s Progress. I wish they had a corresponding Student Guide! I will probably make my own.
Enjoyed your post. I would love to see how you planned your BJU history ahead. That sounds so helpful!
Hey Crystal! I am so sorry that your comment got lost in the spam and I am just now replying! After I update the Pumpkin worksheets for this season, this task is next on my to-do list. ❤
I appreciate you stopping by!
xo, Lauren