Hello Friends! I’m back today with another post about our homeschool curriculum choices for the 2024-2025 school year. Today is all about 10th grade!
Each year, I share what my children and I will be studying in our homeschool. If you are not teaching 10th grade this year, just bookmark this post for later! You can also browse through the homeschool curriculum for other grades if you are looking for something specific.
I have several different lists and suggestions for grades Preschool through 12th! So get a cup of coffee and poke around a bit if you need some suggestions.
You will notice that most of my choices for 10th grade reflect our Classical Homeschool. I did not receive a classical education, so for many subjects, I am learning right along with my children.
➡️ Read more: How I Educate Myself as a Classical Homeschool Mom
Note: In years past, I was able to record videos for each of my child’s studies. Unfortunately, my time seems to get tighter and tighter as the years go on and I’m just not able to do that this year. I’m so sorry! I know that was a favorite there for awhile.

➡️ Browse through all of the homeschool curriculum posts here at Mama’s Learning Corner.
Mama’s Learning Corner uses affiliate links. For more information, please see my disclosure policy. Aside from my affiliate links, I’m not presently affiliated with Memoria Press, BJU, or any other curriculum provider in any way. I’m just a very grateful and satisfied homeschool mama!
10th Grade Geometry
My current 10th grader is my 3rd child to homeschool during high school. Interestingly, this will be the 3rd different math publisher we have tried for Geometry. My oldest boy took an in-person class (that turned online for the whole year due to Covid. Sigh.) and my oldest girl took Geometry via Mr. D Math.
This year, my 10th grader is taking BJU Geometry using the streaming teaching option, which BJU calls “DLO”, their Distance Learning Option.
My daughter watches the teaching video, does the assigned work, and then we go over it together.
I do purchase the hard copy Teacher’s Manuals because I know that I will need to assist her and that is where the teaching helps are located. The DLO does offer an online version of the Teacher’s Manuals for each chapter, but I cannot personally learn from a screen version of the book.
I hope to write a post in the coming weeks about what to do, and more importantly, what not to do when you child takes an online class. I have made many mistakes through the years and need to share them with you all so you don’t run into the same problems.
✔️ BJU Geometry Distance Learning Option – Includes the streaming lectures, Student Text, online Quizzes and Tests. I separately purchase the hard copy Teacher’s Manuals for the reason noted above.
10th Grade Biology
My daughter and I are going to study through BJU Biology, and are using their newest 6th Edition with the 2024 copyright.
I was hoping to use the BJU Distance Learning Option with this course also, but the video course is still using the 4th Edition text. I feel comfortable teaching Biology, so we are doing this course together.
In regard to a Biology lab, we will complete most of the mini-labs in the text, and several of the labs in the Lab Manual. I am not sure if we will tackle a dissection as of yet! We will see what the rest of the school year brings.
I would not say that my daughter is one that enjoys school and academics, however, Biology seems to have a bit of an appeal that other subjects do not. As a young child, and even to this day, my girl has always been a huge fan of Jonathan Park. She has listened to those stories over and over, so she has a great working knowledge of Creation and the theory of evolution.
That knowledge from Jonathan Park makes Biology seem more palatable, so I call that a win!
✔️ BJU Biology Set – Includes Teacher’s Manuals, Student Text, Quizzes & Tests with answer key, Teacher’s Lab Manual, and Student Lab Manual.
10th Grade Latin – Henle I Units VI-XIV
I require Latin in our classical homeschool from 3rd-8th grades, however, I allow my children to choose which language they would like to study during the high school years.
My oldest boy chose to continue on with higher levels of Latin and my oldest girl chose French. Both were pleased with their choices.
➡️ Read more: Why I Teach Latin in Our Homeschool
My current 10th grader chose to continue on with Latin, and she is in her second year of high school foreign language.
While she did take a year of Fourth Form Latin last year at home with me, she is going to take Henle I Units VI-XIV this year. If you are familiar with Latin curriculum, you will quickly see this is essentially the same grammar material, just using the Henle I text instead of the Forms series from Memoria Press.
My daughter is watching the Henle I streaming videos from Memoria Press this year which provides the teaching. Everything else is with me – quizzes and tests, recitation, checking of class work, etc.
The Henle I instructor is Mr. Christianson, who is an excellent teacher. My oldest son had him for several online live classes through Memoria Academy, and he was a favorite! I am very pleased with this curriculum choice so far!
✔️ Henle I Latin Units VI-XIV Set – Includes Henle I text and grammar text, Teacher’s Manual, Quizzes and Tests and Answer Key, and Streaming Teaching Videos.
10th Grade Christian Studies – Bible Doctrines
Out of all the homeschool classes I am teaching this year to my favorite people, this is the class that I am most excited about!
In addition to our regular Bible time in the morning, my children each have a separate Christian Studies curriculum. This year, I am combining my 10th and 12th grade girls and we are studying BJU Bible Doctrines as our guide.
This is an incredible curriculum, which starts with the very basics of why it is important that we study doctrine as Believers. This is a course I wish I had taken as a high schooler!
We use the DLO streaming videos that teach the content, and then the girls and I have several classes each week to discuss the topics.
It is a favorite for all of us so far!
✔️ BJU Bible Doctrines Set – Includes Teacher’s Manual, Student Text, Tests and Answer Keys, Student Activities Book & Key. We have the DLO Streaming videos which are separate.
10th Grade Literature
Most of our literature selections for this year are from Memoria Press, as their literature guides are thorough and a step up from the norm in terms of literary analysis. Because literary analysis wasn’t a strong suit of mine prior to teaching my children a classical education, I need the teaching helps that the Teacher’s Manuals offer.
First, my daughter and I are reading through A Tale of Two Cities and then we will move onto The Scarlet Letter. We will use the Memoria Press Teacher’s Guides, Student Workbooks, and recommended texts for those novels.
Next, we will read Pilgrim’s Progress together. I read this for the first time with my older girl a few years ago. We used the Ligonier lectures and used the accompanying study guide, and my middle girl and I will do this again.
It is excellent teaching, and I’m looking forward to reading through it another time! There is much to be gleaned.
We will have 6-8 weeks left in our school year after reading these three books, and we will fill that time with selections from The British Tradition II: Poetry & Prose from the Elizabethan to the Neoclassical Age (1485-1784 A.D.).
✔️ A Tale of Two Cities Set, The Scarlet Letter Set, and The British Tradition II: Poetry and Prose Set – Each includes the text, Teacher’s Guide, and Student Workbook.
✔️ Pilgrim’s Progress – Text; Pilgrim’s Progress online lectures and study guide
✔️ Memoria Press’ Individual Lesson Plans for each book
10th Grade Composition
For the past many years, I have outsourced all of our composition classes to Memoria Academy, where they teach the progymnasmta. My two older children have completed all of the progym levels and they are excellent writers! I have seen so much fruit from this method of writing, which translates well to other coursework.
My middle girl is taking Classical Composition V: Common Topic with Memoria Academy with Mrs. Johnson as her teacher.
➡ If you would like to know more about the Classical Composition model for writing (the progymnasmata), Memoria Press has an excellent article explaining the method itself and why it’s valuable to learn: The Before Exercises – Composition as Training in Virtue
✔️ Classical Composition V: Common Topic
10th Grade Classical Studies – Ancient Rome and The Aeneid
For classical studies this year, my middle girl is taking Classical Studies II with Memoria Academy. She will read through Dorothy Mills’ The Book of the Ancient Romans and then have the joy of reading through The Aeneid.
The icing on the cake for this class is the teacher: Dr. Dray! He is a favorite in our homeschool, and I am thrilled my daughter can take this class under his direction and instruction.
There is no doubt this will be a more difficult class for her, so I will do my best to help her rise to the challenge.
✔️ The Book of the Ancient Romans Set
Do you have a 10th grader this year? What are you studying?
I’d love to read all about it! Please leave a comment and let us know!
10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Quick Look:
→ Lesson Plans: I download Individual Lesson Plans from Memoria Press or I use the BJU Lesson Plans in the beginning pages of each Teacher’s Manual as a guide to pace our year
→ Math: BJU Geometry
→ Science: BJU Biology, 6th Edition
→ Latin: Henle I Units VI-XIV from Memoria Press
→ Christian Studies: BJU Bible Doctrines
→ Literature: Various selections from Memoria Press: A Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Letter, The British Tradition II: Poetry and Prose from the Elizabethan to the Neoclassical Age (1485-1784 A.D.), and Pilgrim’s Progress
→ Composition: Classical Composition V: Common Topic
→ Classical Studies: The Book of the Ancient Romans and The Aeneid
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