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I haven’t written A Peek in Our Week post in almost a month! April and May are our busiest months, and for some reason I am in total denial of that fact every single year. Why am I so hard-headed? Why do I continue to think we can do school, I can write blog posts (a 10-Day Series in fact…which ended up being 8), we can have 5 of our family’s birthdays, and I can cook dinner each night…as if it’s no big deal?
I literally typed in big red text on my March 2014 Google Calendar: Schedule the bare minimum.
I don’t want to get to March 2014 and set myself up for disaster as I tend to do.
That being said, here are a few things we’ve been working on during the busy Birthday Season, as I call it.
My 6-year-old is slowly but surely working her way through All About Reading Level 1. It’s fairly mama-intensive, but what reading program isn’t? So far, it’s been the perfect phonics fit for her.
In the picture below, she’s flipping her /th/ word eggs with the spatula. Good times. 🙂
I’ll be honest that our Bible Study time first thing in the morning is typically filled with all kinds of chaos. Coincidence? I think not.
So the other morning, I let my 2-year-old “paint” her fingernails with an orange highlighter. She was so proud of herself! She thought they were so pretty, as shown by the delight on her face!
(I really just wanted to get through a small portion of Scripture with no squealing.)
Later that same morning, I decided to pull out a few of our File Folder Games since it had been more than a month since we worked on them.
That is the great thing about putting a toy or other favorite item away for awhile: when you pull it back out, it’s brand new all over again! Love that.
Aside from school and birthdays, the biggest thing we have going on is what we’re eating.
We’ve always had health concerns about my 4-year-old, since she was 18 months old. She’s a little mystery.
To make a very long story short, we decided to try gluten-free for awhile and see if that could help her. We’re finishing up our second week of no gluten and WOW has it been tough to keep us fed. Cooking three meals a day is no joke! I’m fairly certain I’ve only planned school and food for 2 straight weeks. I haven’t had time to do much else.
I can definitely feel a difference in myself. And my 4-year-old tells me that she feels better, but is dying to have some Ritz Crackers. I have yet to find a good substitution for those.
Wheat Belly is the book that got me started in the right direction, in case you’re interested. Thankfully, there are a million blogs out there with gluten-free ideas and recipes. I definitely don’t think Pinterest is like Target in this instance. 😉
My friends daughter is gluten free and she loves gluten free pretzels. I have seen them at my health food stores and they are very tasty. Not Ritz, but you might give them a try 🙂
Thanks, Amanda, for the suggestion! We’ll give them a whirl and see what she thinks.