Friends, I am so beyond excited to tell you about this project I’ve had up my sleeve for months now: Bible Task Cards.
It is my heart’s desire that my children will know the Lord as their personal Savior. Throughout our day, we naturally talk about the things of God – where we see His hand, we pray for our hurts and those of others, and how we can honor Him in what we say and do.
I also want my children to know what His Word says, so we read our Bibles daily and talk about those things we’ve read. It has been such a joy to add these Bible Task Cards to our Bible Time!
These Bible Task Cards are adaptable to a variety of settings – homeschool, Sunday School or Bible Small Groups, Christian classrooms, or even your family Bible time.
Keep reading for ideas of how you can use these in your own family or classroom!
What are Bible Task Cards?
Task cards are very popular in the teaching world, and I guarantee they would have been my favorite center when I was in school. (I loved centers!)
Task cards come in all varieties and topics and methods. This particular set has a theme of characters of the Old Testament.
Each card features a description of a particular person from the Old Testament – Jonah, Rahab, Samuel, David, Saul, Deborah, and Moses just to name a few!
Students should read the clues about the particular person to figure out his or her identity.
If they aren’t sure of who the person is, your child can look up the Scripture reference.
You can print the cards with or without the Scripture reference. Print only the set that is helpful in your chosen setting.
If you’d like to have your children record their answers, I’ve included two options.
If you’re only using a few task cards at the time, your child can write his answers on the mini recording form. If you’re going to use more than a handful of cards, your child can write his answers on the full-size form.
Ideas for Using Bible Task Cards
This set of Bible Task Cards is adaptable to many different situations and ages from Preschool up through middle school! Here are a few ideas to get you started.
You’ll find a complete list of ideas for various teaching scenarios included in the download!
In your homeschool:
— Place a few cards in your child’s daily folder or workbox.
— Take a Bible Quiz! Mom calls out the prompts and kids write down the answers. The winner answers the most cards correctly! To change things up, have a child call out the prompts and Mom writes down her answers!
In your Sunday School class or Bible Small Group:
— Send one card home with each child. They must look up the Scripture and find out the answer! Report back with the correct character the next Sunday. Shuffle cards and send a new card home with each child every week.
In your Christian classroom:
— Divide up cards into equal groups and place in a baggie with the mini-recording sheet. Children may take the baggies back to their desks for seat work.
What’s Included?
This Bible task card set includes the following:
♥ 44 task cards with Scripture references
♥ 44 task cards without Scripture references (these cards use the same Bible characters; only the Scripture is deleted)
♥ 1 full-size answer sheet for students to complete their cards
♥ A page of mini answer sheets for only using a few Bible task cards at the time (perfect for centers!)
♥ A large variety of ideas for using these in different settings – Christian classroom, Sunday School/Bible Small Groups, and homeschool.
♥ An answer key for the full size sheet and a small hand-held size for teacher or mom
You can purchase Bible Task Cards for Old Testament Characters below:
Do you have New Testament cards also?
Hey Chelsea! I am really sorry for the late reply! I am THISCLOSE to having them finished. Hopefully in the next few weeks! It’s one of my top projects to complete.
Make sure you’re a subscriber, because I will notify them first (usually with a coupon code).
Please inform me hen yo have the New Testament cards ready.
Please let me know when you have the New Testament cards.
Not to be a broken record, but I would also love the new testament ones lol
Love love love the OT cards!! Great game for before/after church events when I need to keep the children occupied for a few minutes