The Color Your Own Calendar is back for 2016!
::happy dances all around::
This is such a fun printable calendar for kids, and your kiddos are sure to love it!
I don’t know what it is about calendar work, but my girls seem to love it. Pair that with coloring, and there are just smiles all around!
Color Your Own Calendar 2016
Just like last year’s set, I’ve included three different types of calendars in this packet.
The pictures and headings are the same, however, there are 3 types of writing opportunities.
You’ll find calendars with the dates filled in, a set with dotted lines for tracing, and a set that is blank for your child to fill in the missing dates.
Suggestions for Using Color Your Own Calendar Printables
There are several ways you can use these calendar printables. Here are just a few suggestions:
→ Consider this a massive coloring project and color all at once!
→ Color one page per month. For example, make the first day of the month the Calendar day. Talk about national and personal holidays and have your children mark those on their calendar.
→ Complete the pages at the beginning of the year, over a course of a few days.
→ Do you complete a unit study on seasons? If so, color only those months appropriate to the seasons you’re studying.
A few helpful notes:
→ Print the calendar pages on card stock. If you’d like your calendar to last the whole year, card stock is much more durable and is sure to last the whole year.
→ Use your comb binding system (affiliate link) to bind the pages along the top. Then your calendar will be flippable. And flippable just makes things more fun!
→ If you have a daily notebook or calendar notebook, insert the month’s calendar page at the front so you can go over the day’s date. Use a plastic page protector for even more durability.
Terms of Use – Please Read!
::: Please note the Terms of Use for this packet, which is for personal use only. By downloading this packet, you agree that you will abide by the full Terms of Use as listed on the front
::: If you would like to purchase this packet for classroom use (which includes any use outside of your own home with your own children), you may do so at the bottom of this page.
Just enter your email address below and confirm you are a real person. After you do, you’ll immediately receive an email with the page you can access your printable calendar and ALL of the other free goodies here at Mama’s!
You can purchase the Color Your Own Calendar for Classroom Use below:
Oh this is just what I need. I used your 2015 set with my kids and they loved it.
I tried getting the download but it says that I’ve already subscribed and it didn’t arrive in my inbox or spam folder. 🙁
Sabrina, it’s on the Subscriber Page and the link is in every email that I send. You’re going to need the password that was sent in the email on 1/9/2016, since I had to password protect the page.
You’ll find the link to the calendar at the top of the subscriber page! 🙂
Let me know if you have further problems trying to access it!
We love, love, love your coloring calendar! My 6 and 3 year olds have enjoyed coloring and marking off each day, as well as marking holidays and birthdays! Thanks for making it easy for this homeschooling mama!
Oh I’m so glad your kiddos have enjoyed it! Thrills my heart to hear it!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment today! 🙂
Can I get this new calendar set if I’m already subscribed to your awesome site? My kids absolutely loved the 2015 calendars.
Heather, yes you definitely can!
Go to the subscriber page that is linked in every email I send. You’ll need the password that I sent on Saturday (11-9-16), since I had to password protect it.
Once you get to the page, you’ll see it at the top! 🙂
Yes we too loved the calendars 2015 and would like to have the 2016. Can we download them if we are already a subscriber?
Christi – YES you can download the 2016 version! 🙂
Make sure you open the email from me that was sent on Saturday. I had to password protect the subscriber page, and the password is in that email.
You’ll see the calendar at the top of the subscriber page!
Hello I subscribed but did not get a password sent. I’d like to print the calendar.
Hi Angela 🙂
The password is in the email you receive immediately after you confirm your email address. That same email has the link where you download the free calendar. Make sure to check your spam folder! 🙂
Hi, I filled out the subscription information and received an email with a link to confirm my subscription, but it did not contain a password, only a link. I do not have another email from you in my inbox or spam/junk folders. Help! Thank you!
Hey Andrea! I just you an email. 😉
::happy dances all around:: for sure!! I am so glad to have found this! We used your 2015 version, and were wanting updated ones… ahem… now for February. My girls will be excited {again}! Thank you!
Hi, I subscribed for your 2016 calendar and can’t seem to find the password to unlock it. I’ve tried everything in it’s a fail. I really love it and was wondering if you can email me the password please.
Thank you.
Hi Stephanie! The password is in every email, so check the latest email from me! 🙂