After a run of first-world mother board problems with my laptop, I am finally able to post the set of Addition and Subtraction Dab It! worksheets.
This is a whopping 40-page set of addition and subtraction worksheets, and you’ll find a great sample set below that you can use in your classroom or homeschool!
Addition and subtraction facts need to be drilled over and over (and over) again, and it’s helpful to have a variety of activities to make that drill happen.
Print these out, and use them when you need a change of pace from daily flash cards.
Dab It! Addition and Subtraction Worksheets
In the 5-page sample worksheet packet below, you’ll find:
→ 2 pages of addition only practice
→ 2 pages of subtraction only practice
→ 1 page of mixed addition and subtraction practice
In the 40-page worksheet packet, you will find:
→ 10 pages of addition only practice
→ 10 pages of subtraction only practice
→ 20 pages of mixed addition and subtraction practice
** If you’re an All Access Pass member, go to the math page and you’ll see the 40-page download under ‘Mixed Addition and Subtraction’
Ideas for Using Dab It! Worksheets
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Dab It! worksheets are so fun and they’re a unique change from a regular pencil to paper-type worksheet. While I do believe that traditional worksheets have their place, this Dab It! worksheet packet is a more interactive style of learning.
In my years as a homeschooling mama, I’ve had a couple of kiddos that were quite writing averse, and activities like these were always so helpful.
I created Dab It! style worksheets with the idea of using a bingo dauber (commonly known as Do-a-Dot markers) to mark a correct answer. However, don’t feel like you have to spend the money for those dab markers if you don’t already have them in your craft stash.
Instead of Do-a-Dot markers, you could easily use fun little stickers (like these!), M&Ms, or any other type of counter.
You could use markers or crayons and have your child practice making check marks in the correct circle instead of coloring it completely.
You could also place these on a cookie sheet or against a magnetic white board and using magnets to mark the correct answer. This would be a great idea for home use around the school table, or in a classroom’s center area.
Add the 40-page Addition and Subtraction Worksheet set to your cart:
Click the image to download the 5-page sample set:
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Thank you so much for sharing
I’m thrilled you can use them! xo