During the 2011-2012 school year, our family is using Exploring Creation with Astronomy. And we love it so far! I can’t say enough good things about it.
If you’re familiar with the Young Explorer Series, you know that there is an Astronomy Notebooking Journal as well as a Junior version.
Because I’ve spent waaaay beyond my curriculum budget for the year, I wasn’t able to purchase the Junior Notebooking Journal. Since I’m a little crafty with worksheets, I decided I could make my own pages and even add in a few extras that I know my son would love.
We are very new to notebooking, so these are definitely a work in progress. 😉 But I’ll be happy to share them. I haven’t made very many of these in advance since we are in the throes of starting school this week (you know how busy that is!). So I’ll post them to the Science page as I list them.
I also have a custom Lesson Planning Guide that I created for my own family. It is based on studying Exploring Creation with Astronomy three days per week with a Lower Grammar student. I’ll post it as soon as I have the kinks worked out.
Topic: The student uses this notebooking page to review learned facts. This worksheet should be completed after reading Exploring Creation with Astronomy pages 2 through 4, ending prior to “God’s Signs.”
Grade Level: First Grade, Second Grade
Category: Science
Note: This worksheet download contains 2 pages.
[download id=”20″ format=”1″]
Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Apologia, Jeannie Fulbright or the Young Explorer Series. They do not endorse these notebooking pages and I receive no compensation, financial or otherwise, for creating them. I made them for use in our own homeschool. The Christian Book Distributor links are affiliate links, however. For more information, please see Mama’s Disclosure page.
I too am using this for science for the first time. I am just starting to put together my notebooks. I like what you have done so far and look forward to more. Also, I ran across a free notebooking journal download done by Jeannie Fulbright in 2005. It was on Timberdoodle.com, when you click on Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy textbook, there are several links at the bottom of the page. Some are samples but there is one for a very basic notebook to use along with this textbook. You may find some things in it useful also. God Bless and thank you for sharing!
I actually found Jeannie Fulbright’s website and she has the links to print her basic notebook pages in older and younger child formats. Her website is http://www.jeanniefulbright.com.
Stacia, thanks so much! Yes, she has great pages (for free!) on her site. It’s a great resource.
And if you haven’t checked out the Yahoo Group for Apologia, it’s fabulous too.
I’ll have the lessons out as I can get the worksheets completed.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi there, it looks like your download link has gone back to brackets. Help?
Hello, I am a mother of 4 who is also tight with money right now and would love to download your version of the apologia astronomy journal. How can I get access to this?
Thank you for doing such a service to families. May God Bless you
Annette H
Hi Annette!
I only posted through the first chapter, as this turned out not to be a good fit for my son at the time. (Side note: He’s now working through the 2nd edition of Astronomy this year independently as a 6th grader!).
Since we didn’t finish the course, I didn’t continue to make the associated printables.
I’m sorry!
Blessings in your new homeschool year! 🙂