Are you following along with me during Curriculum Week here at Mama’s? I hope you’re able to find some new-to-you ideas!
Whew! Writing out curriculum plans for 4 children is quite a task!
Today I’m sharing the plans that my first grader and I have for this school year. She is such a curious, eager learner that she’s nothing but a joy to teach!
Browse through all of the homeschool curriculum posts here at Mama’s Learning Corner.
One of my biggest goals for my 1st grader is to foster her love of reading. She’s turning into quite the little reader, and I want to do everything I can to encourage that by supplying her with rich, living books and lots of opportunities to read to me.
So far, so good!
First Grade Homeschool Curriculum Plans
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→ Finish Horizons Phonics K – Yes, I realize the book is Kindergarten-level, but these phonics worksheets are more on a 1st grade level, in my opinion. My 6 year old started these towards the end of last school year, so we will finish the set now, including the readers.
→ All About Spelling Level 1 – This will be my 3rd time around with All About Spelling Level 1! While I’m not sick of it yet, I am fairly certain I know the rules backwards and forwards!
I love that Level 1 starts out slow and steady and picks up steam at just the right time. It’s such a great fit for our homeschool!
→ Letter and Numbers for Me from Handwriting Without Tears – Handwriting Without Tears continues to be an enormous help to me in the teaching of my children. Several years ago, I attended a HWT workshop, and it was really helpful in my understanding of how to use this curriculum in a homeschool setting.
My 6 year old will work through Letters and Numbers for Me, and from time to time I’ll add in a few simple copywork exercises that are history or science related.
→ Singapore Math 1A and 1B – This is also my 3rd time around with Singapore Math 1A and 1B! I will admit that helping solidify those math facts does get a bit tiresome.
However, Singapore Math offers a variety of easy card games and various other math games to help nail down those facts in their Home Instructor’s Guide (which is a must, in my opinion).
We will also play a lot of Double Shutter – our new favorite game! It is the perfect game to practice number bonds.
Of course I also have a variety of math worksheets and printables here at Mama’s that I’ll have ready for her to use.
→ All About Reading – We will use All About Reading Level 2 in addition to our Horizons Phonics. All About Reading gives those wonderful hands-on activities that make learning to read fun!
If and when she finishes Level 2, we will move right on to Level 3.
Phonics Readers – We will also read lots and lots of phonics readers together!
Here are my tried and true favorites that Sadie and I will read together daily:
♥ Usborne Phonics Readers (pictured above)
♥ Phonics Reader set from All About Reading Level 2
♥ Very First Reading Set (This is one of Sadie’s favorite sets because it has text for mom and then text for her to read. A fun change of pace!)
Subjects We Will Study Together – Bible, History, Science
As I mentioned in my other curriculum posts, all of my kiddos and I will be working through Year 1 of Tapestry of Grace: From Creation to Ancient Rome.
I have finally (finally!) learned that all my very early readers need to do with history at this stage of the game is listen when the books are read and participate in hands-on activities if we have any.
I’ve tried to make it too hard with Tapestry at this age, but I’m learning from that and adjusting this year.
Sadie will read along in the Lower and Upper Grammar reading and participate with her big sis if there are fun projects to work on. She won’t have any written work except the occasional copywork.
As I also mentioned in my other curriculum posts, my children and I will be reading through Luke and the Book of Acts using Explorer’s Bible Study as our reading guide.
Sadie will listen each day during Bible time and participate in our discussion as much as possible.
She won’t have any written work. Her only job is to listen and learn during Bible time.
Sadie will be learning all about animals and their habitats during this year of science.
We are all so excited about this study!
I couldn’t quite find what I wanted at my various favorite curriculum purchasing spots, so I’m creating a science curriculum for us based on living books and hands-on activities.
Sadie will have a small amount of writing to do with custom made printables, courtesy of her mama.
I’ll post more specifics of our science studies as we get further along!
We are so thrilled to start the new homeschool year! Lots of excitement at the Hill House as we get ready!
What is your 1st grader studying this year? What are her interests?
I’ll update the curriculum choices for each of the following grades as I publish them:
♥ 5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum
♥ 3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum
♥ K4 Early Kindergarten Curriculum
We are using Math U See Alpha and maybe Beta(We are 1/4 through Alpha already), Handwriting Without Tears My Printing Book, Elemental Science The Sassafras Science Adventures Volume 1: Zoology, Elemental Science Adventures in America, and Home Art Studio 1st Grade. PE will be done through swim lessons and once weekly tap dance class. We are ready for 1st grade and are really excited because it is our first time doing “real” science and history.
We did Sassafras Science last year (the Human Body one), and my children LOVED it!! I hope your first grader enjoys it as well!
Did you cover US history earlier? I see that Tapestry does not have any lessons for American/US history.
I am going back and forth on what to use this year. I also want a one-room school type of lesson and not teach 2 different time periods or 2 different science lessons for my kids.
You’re right in that Tapestry doesn’t have a single section for US History. However, it’s covered in enormous detail in Year 3 (I think it’s Year 3). That was one of my concerns as well, but I was extremely happy with the depth that US History was covered at the various levels.
Now it does not include state history, so I’m not sure how I’m going to fit that in the 4-year cycle. 🙂