My girls are so excited about these handwriting worksheets! They are the new favorites around the Hill House.
While we use a formal handwriting curriculum (which we love!), I very often put aside the formalities for a change of pace.
I find that if I change things up often, my kiddos seem more engaged and eager to participate, regardless of the subject.
So for the next few days, my 2nd grader and my Kindergartner will be working on these handwriting worksheets that each focus on a particular color.
ETA May 2022: This packet was originally published in February 2015. I have updated the entire with fresh fonts and graphics. I left the original post with a few tweaks. Please re-download the newest version if you have purchased it in the past!
➡ Browse through all of the copywork and handwriting worksheets here at Mama’s Learning Corner! You’ll find more sight word practice, themed sentence writing, and more!
Handwriting Worksheets for Kids: Color Words
Most color words are difficult for my children who are not natural spellers.
Purple with its r-controlled u and the consonant+l+e on the end?
Brutal for my young spellers!
While we work on recognizing color words with a multitude of color by number worksheets, spelling them is a whole different ballgame.
To help my girls with memorizing how to spell color words, I came up with these handwriting worksheets.
Each day, my 2nd grader will complete 1-2 worksheets and my Kindergartner will do her best with 1 worksheet. My Kindergartner is still just 5 and learning to read, so I don’t push handwriting with her unless she shows interest.
Not only do my girls practice the color word, but they copy the sentence that contains the word. The bonus here is that we get to talk about capitalization, punctuation, nouns, adjectives and verbs.
This is a gentle way to introduce those concepts to my 5-year-old and a perfect way for my 2nd grader to practice them for proficiency.
Each sentence is intentionally simple as to not overwhelm them with words on a page. Also, it’s an extra bit of simple reading practice for my Kindergartner.
➡ If you need resources for helping your young spellers, take a peek at my post: How I Teach Spelling in Our Homeschool. You can browse through all of the tried-and-true books and resources I used with my natural and not-so-natural spellers!
Are you an All Access Pass member? Go straight to the Handwriting and Copywork page and download it there!
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You can purchase the Handwriting Worksheets for Kids – Color Words here:
Thanks for these worksheets! They fit perfectly into our week 🙂