Throughout our homeschool journey, my girls have always loved hands-on activities: anything interactive with cut and paste or matching or coloring. And thankfully, you can easily incorporate this type of learning easily in a homeschool setting. This Hearts Counting Booklet fits that style perfectly!
So I had this bright idea for interactive counting booklets while I was up with the baby in the middle of the night this past week.
The baby is not a great sleeper and is still up every 3 hours or so. Yes, he’s about to turn a year old and yes, I am tired all of the time. However, this too shall pass…
On the positive side, being up so often at night gives me loads of time to think over our homeschool and the types of resources I’d like to create here at Mama’s Learning Corner. You know…in the daylight hours. 😉

➡️ Browse through all of the math worksheets and printable activities here at Mama’s Learning Corner. You will find more interactive counting booklets, color by number or color by code, and much more!
I Can Count Hearts Counting Booklet
If you’ve read here at Mama’s Learning Corner very long, you know that my girls love little booklets of any type! So an interactive cut and paste-style booklet would be a hit!
My youngest girl is 7 and in first grade, so she certainly knows how to count and can read this simple little booklet. Even though her skill level is past this booklet, she always enjoys being my editor and mistake finder!
This interactive booklet has two different styles: cut and paste the correct number or write the number in the sentence.
Cut and Paste Booklet
Actually, there are two ways you can use the cut and paste booklet.
I included numbers 0 through 10 at the end of the packet. Simply cut out the squares and place them in the correct sentence.

If you’d rather not cut and paste, your child can simply write the number in the box. This is perfect if you use the Handwriting Without Tears box, which utilizes a ‘starting corner.’
♥ See how we use Handwriting Without Tears in our homeschool
Write the Number Booklet
If you’d rather your child practice writing, you can print the set using primary writing lines.
Your child chooses the correct number of hearts and then writes the answer in the blank to make the sentence true.

♥ Looking for more heart themed printables? You might be interested in Heart-Themed Color by Number Worksheets or Valentine Themed Worksheets for Kindergarten and First Grade!
Are you an All Access Pass member? Go straight to the Other Holidays page and download it there!
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More Counting Activities for your Young Learners:
Counting Worksheets
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I Can Count Bees Interactive Counting Booklet
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Apple Find the Number Worksheets 0 to 20
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Mitten Find the Number Worksheets 0 to 20
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