In Our Homeschool is (mostly) a weekly series here at Mama’s Learning Corner. I’ll write about what we’re learning, helpful homeschool ideas, field trips, or books we’re reading. I hope you enjoy!
After we complete our morning Bible time together, my children and I get busy with our Latin studies. That looks different for each one of my children since they’re all at different stages of Latin, and my two older children have online teachers.
I teach Latin to my two Little Girls. They are certainly not “little”, as they are 10 and soon-to-be-12. But they will always be the Little Girls of our family due to their birth order. 🙂
I teach Second Form Latin to my 6th grader, and Latina Christiana to my 4th grader.
The just-turned 4-year old is just along for the Latin ride at this point.
Click here and find all of the In Our Homeschool posts!
Latin Recitation Guide and Flash Cards
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This week in our homeschool, I was thrilled all over again with my purchase of the Latin Grammar Recitation Guide and Flash Card set. Latin is a staple in our daily homeschool and is a non-negotiable. But in order for that to be the case, I have to be up on my Latin Game and totally prepared for lessons. I have to be the one driving that study in order for it to happen.
One way to make that easier for myself is to use the Latin Recitation Guide so I don’t have to think about the recitation part of our Latin week.
Read more: Why I Teach Latin in Our Homeschool

Latin in our house has been pretty hairy in years past. The biggest problem was me. I expected my children to learn Latin from the DVDs and their Student Guides, but that was a horrible decision on my part. I simply didn’t understand how Latin worked, and this was an ignorant result of that.
I could – and should! – write a post on my many Latin mistakes, as I am sure that would be very helpful for other homeschool mothers just getting started in Latin.
In the meantime, I’ll share this very helpful tool that my Second Form Latin girl and I use a few times each week: Latin Grammar Recitation Guide and Flash Cards by Memoria Press.
To use the Guide, you find your current level of Latin, and then find the lesson you’re working on.
It tells you which of the numbered flash cards to pull and recite through the week.
In short: It’s a very organized way to do a complete recitation.
And it’s oh so lovely because I don’t have to go through my Teacher’s Manual and figure out what the recitation should be to our current point.
We always do a full recitation once, and sometimes twice a week depending on the busyness of our schedule that week.
Anyone that studies Latin knows that recitation is essential to drilling conjugations and declensions into long-term memory. It helps me identify trouble spots in my daughter, and maybe even more importantly in me.
While this Guide and the Flash Cards are considered “extras”, they are well worth the money for me since it’s one thing that I can put on auto-pilot. I have many, many balls in the air (just like all of you!), and I constantly scan for areas of my life I can just put on auto-pilot and call it done.
This is one of those tasks!
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