As a homeschooling mother, I have several books that I consider must-haves. I only wish I had found them all in my early days of homeschooling!
When we first decided to homeschool (my oldest was entering Kindergarten), I read every book, blog, and article I could find on the how-to’s of homeschooling. And while it was important for me to read about learning styles and Charlotte Mason versus Classical, what I consider to be must-have has definitely changed.
I did read several of those how-to books…and then we got into the every day throes of homeschooling. I realized that my bookshelf needed different types of books – those that would help me keep my house in order, keep my tongue in check, and help me guide my little peeps towards Jesus.
So as you look through my favorite homeschool books, I realize that it may not seem very “homeschool-y”. However, our homeschool days wouldn’t run near as smooth without these helps. These are just a few of my favorites, in no particular order except the first.
My Bible
My Bible usually stays on my school desk or in the basket beside my favorite chair. While we use it every morning during Bible Study, it’s my go-to comfort on those hard days we all occasionally face. The days when I’m questioning why we homeschool or how I’m going to make it until bedtime. Thankfully, God speaks encouragement to me just when I need it most.
The Well-Trained Mind
I didn’t find this little gem until last summer – 2 full years into homeschooling. While I don’t consider us to be strictly Classical homeschoolers (I like a huge dose of living books Charlotte Mason style), The Well-Trained Mind helped me think through our homeschool years as a whole. It also lists tons of resources, curriculum, and internet links.
Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House
I know a thing or two about laundry and I consider myself to be an okay housekeeper. But when we’re home all day every day, our house can quickly become dirty and cluttered. We truly do have a “lived in” home. Home Comforts has great ideas for anyone looking to improve their housekeeping skills.
Rainbow Resources Catalog
I know, I know. This isn’t really a book. But I’ll admit that I read the Rainbow Resource Catalog just like a book! It is a beautifully comprehensive place to search new curriculum. It’s a staple on my shelf!
Jesus Calling
This is my go-to devotional when I’m in between Bible studies. The devotions are short and – I have no idea how this happens – the Scripture is exactly what I need to read on the given day. Funny how that works. 😉
If I don’t read my Bible and stay in God’s Word, my homeschool day stinks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve proven this to be true.
The Power of a Woman’s Words
I recently worked through this study on my own because I wanted to have better control over the words coming out of my mouth. My children are with me all day and they hear practically every little sentence I say. Sometimes those words aren’t so thoughtful or kind or affirming. My children need a teacher who is intentional with how and what she says.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
While I don’t agree with everything in this book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart helped me understand that disobedience is a heart issue. And OH the disobedience and behavior that is corrected on a daily basis! Once I understood that (most) poor behavior is a heart issue, the game plan for correction during our homeschool day became more clear.
Seasons of a Mother’s Heart
Can one have a favorite homeschool book list without including Sally Clarkson?? I think not.
My thoughtful husband gives me 2 nights at a hotel prior to each semester so I can plan out our curriculum. (I know! It’s all kinds of fabulous!) And each hotel stay, I start by going over my dog-eared, well-worn pages of Seasons of a Mother’s Heart. I learn something new every time I read it.
So what are your favorite homeschool books? Do tell.
I pleased to link this post to iHomeschool Network’s 10 in 10 series.
I have to close my eyes to the Rainbow Resource catalog — oh my goodness! That, and OTC make me want to build an addition to my house to store all the cool things I want!