Help your preschool or Kindergarten student practice number recognition with this set of Find the Number worksheets with a fun mitten theme!
Not only do these pages help with number recognition, but they aid in writing numerals and 1-to-1 recognition as well.
Each page has a cute mitten theme which is just perfect for these chilly wintry months!

⛄ Browse through a selection of mitten themed worksheets and hands-on printable activities! You will find Mitten Number Wall Cards and Mitten Find the Letter worksheets.
❄️ Or browse through All Things Winter with winter worksheets and hands-on printable activities! Match games, worksheets for K and 1st, bar graphs, File Folder Word Walls, and much more!
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Mitten Find the Number Worksheets 0 to 20
This set of Mitten Find the Number Worksheets focuses on one number between 0 and 20 on each page.

Children trace and practice writing the focus number, and then identify the number a multitude of times at the bottom of each page.
While my son used Do-a-Dot markers to mark each number, you can use any manipulative you have on hand.
I bought a set of Do-a-Dot markers 10 years ago, and even with heavy use they are still going strong! They certainly last year after year.

You can try bear counters, animal counters, dry beans, coins, or anything else you have around the house or school room.

You can pair these Find the Number worksheets with the Mitten Number Wall Cards and concentrate on mastery of number recognition to 20 this winter season!
➡️ Click here to see the Mitten Number Wall Cards

All Access Pass members can download this entire packet in the All Access Pass area.
After you log in, choose the Math Page and scroll down until you see this particular worksheet packet. Then just click and your download will start immediately.
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