This year, my 8 year old son is our third grader! My oldest child is such a joy to teach. He’s the type of child that wakes up each day looking for new things to learn. He’s an avid reader and likes to be challenged, so our third grade curriculum should live up to that criteria!
I’m looking so forward to our third grade year together.
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Browse through all of the homeschool curriculum posts here at Mama’s Learning Corner.
Family Bible Study
Each morning, our school day starts out with Bible Study. We’ve used several curricula in the past, and have been pleased with them. I was looking for a little something different for the beginning of this year, and I stumbled across this free Bible curriculum: Through the Bible With My Child.
Update: Sadly, this curriculum is no longer available for free.

We’ve studied Genesis in detail, so we’re starting in Exodus. The course offers a reading plan, questions to ask your child, a post-test, and activities to work though together.
I designed some printables for us to use with the study, and it’s been a great addition to our school so far.
Third Grade Writing Composition

I have yet to teach writing in our homeschool, so this is a first for me. After hours of research on writing curricula, I settled on WriteShop Junior. We’ve completed the first lesson already and it was a hit!
The activities are creative and the teaching helps for mom are top-notch.
Since my son didn’t have any prior writing experience – aside from his own short stories and cartoons – I decided to start in Book B. So far, that has been the right decision for him. I’d rather us go through Book B and lay a great foundation for skills.
Third Grade Spelling

We have just a couple of Steps to complete in All About Spelling Level 3 and then we’ll move straight into All About Spelling Level 4.
All About Spelling has been a wonderful fit for us. While it is teacher intensive, I feel like it is the best program to learn spelling rules and gain confidence as an accurate speller. We’ve seen great success with it!
I’ve written the many reasons why it’s one of my favorite curricula.
Third Grade Handwriting

Handwriting has been a bit of a battle, but we finally turned the corner at the beginning of 2nd grade. Davis has made drastic improvements in his handwriting, thanks to Handwriting Without Tears!
I admittedly was not a huge fan of the curriculum before, however my opinion has certainly changed.
My son has about 20 pages to finish in Handwriting Without Tears for Second Grade, and then he’ll move straight into Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Success.
Third Grade Math

We’ve tried a couple of other math programs, but turned back to Singapore Math each time. The approach is simple and the style is the best fit for our family.
My son will complete Singapore Math 3A and 3B this year. Math isn’t his favorite subject, so I’ll make sure to use the hands-on activities included in the Home Instructor’s Guide.
Those activities always make math seem tolerable for him!
Singapore Math offers an 3rd Grade Extra Practice Book, which I will also work into the mix.
Third Grade Latin

My son asked if we could learn Hebrew this year. Ummm….no.
However, I made a compromise and told him we could learn Latin together. 😉
I decided for us to try Latin using Prima Latin from Memoria Press. This is by far one of his favorite subjects so far this year! He loves learning the Latin words and then coming up with English derivatives.
My first grader and 4yo have loved watching the Prima Latina DVDs too. They are such little sponges!
It has been such an amazing experience so far.
➡ Read More: How I Teach Prima Latina in Our Homeschool
➡ Read More: Why I Teach Latin in Our Homeschool
Third Grade Science

Another request from my son this year: to study Chemistry.
Being the non-Science person that I am, I looked around for the most teacher-friendly science program with a Biblical worldview that I could find. I settled on Bright Ideas Press’ Christian Kids Explore Chemistry.
I could not be more pleased with it so far! The lessons are broken down into very manageable pieces and the hands-on activities are simple but interesting. It’s definitely a keeper for this year!
Third Grade History

We are entering in our third year using Tapestry of Grace. I finally (finally!) understand what I’m doing with Tapestry. The learning curve has been great, but oh so worth it.
My 8 year old is teetering on the edge of lower grammar and upper grammar, so we’re doing a few activities of each and reading some of both sets of books.
Year 3 in Tapestry is so interesting – western expansion, inventors of the 19th century, and more. Such good reading!
Third Grade Art – Chalk Pastels

Last on the list (but my kiddos’ favorite so far!) is Art. This year, we are using A Simple Guide to Chalk Pastels and Chalk Pastels Through the Seasons, both from Southern Hodgepodge.
My son is a creative soul, so he greatly enjoys art in any form. But chalk pastels? Oh they’re so fun! They provide the opportunity to create something spectacular while being just a little messy.
That’s perfect for an 8 year old boy!
What curricula are you using for third grade this year? Anything similar? Share your favorites in the comments!
As a loyal Memoria Press momma, I had to comment on Prima Latina! It’s on my beside table as we speak. My husband is going to tackle it with Rachel, but I’m already thrilled with how it’s laid out.
Dianna, You will LOVE it! I totally purchased this thinking that it would be independent work for him. He’d watch the DVDs, listen to the audio, learn the prayers, etc without much help from me.
But it is so cool that I have to watch every single lesson with him. So much for independent work – ha!
I do find it quite bizarre that the instructor has such a strong Southern accent. It’s like listening to myself. For some reason, Latin and the Southern drawl don’t go together. Maybe it’s just me…
I’m thinking we’ll be moving up to Prima Latina in a few years, once we’ve finished Song School Latin.
I’ll have to check out the Bible resource you linked, I hadn’t found anything I liked, so I ended up writing the one we’re using, and that works pretty well overall.
Your Bible Printables are fabulous, Ticia! Just found them via Pinterest the other day.
I’m introducing cursive as well this year with my third grader. 😉