My littlest girl has always loved to trace – pictures, words, anything! It’s been on my to-do list for awhile to make her a huge tracing pages set so she can trace and color to her heart’s content.
After working on this set in little bits and pieces over the last many months, I am finally finished with her packet of tracing pages.
Much to my surprise, it turned into a super bundle of over 270+ pages!

Tracing Worksheets Super Bundle
If your preschooler or kindergartner is like my daughter, he or she will love this enormous tracing packet!
Each page comes with a picture to trace, the name of the picture to trace, and a line for your child to write the word on his own.
** Don’t miss the big freebie at the end of the post! **

There are 15 different themes included in this bundle:
★ 2D Shapes – 13 pages
★ 3D Shapes – 12 pages
★ Animals of various types – 30 pages
★ Birthday – 17 pages
★ Clothing – 20 pages
★ Farm Animals – 12 pages
★ Fruit – 26 pages
★ School Supplies – 16 pages
★ Sea Animals – 14 pages
★ Sports – 30 pages
★ Sweet Treats – 20 pages
★ Technology – 14 pages
★ Transportation – 20 pages
★ Vegetables – 16 pages
★ Weather – 16 pages

Ideas for Using Tracing Pages
I always love to see how other homeschoolers use different printables. There are times that I’m overflowing with terrific ideas, and other times I could use a little help in the creativity department.
In case you’re in the ‘need help’ category, here are a few ideas for implementing these tracing pages in your homeschool or classroom.
If you’re a homeschooler:
→ Place several pages in your child’s workbox each day
→ Pull out tracing pages for your younger ones when you need
uninterrupted time to work with older children
→ Take out pages for the ‘I’m bored’ times: rainy/snowy days, that hard hour before dinner is ready, etc.
→ Use during themed weeks—simply print the pages associated with the week’s theme (transportation, weather, etc)
→ Print a large number of pages and place them in a 3-ring binder. If you want to re-use them over and over, also place them in page protectors. Keep the binder in the car for unexpected waits at the doctor’s office or the long ride during vacation. Make sure you use Twistables so they don’t melt in a hot car!
If you’re in a classroom setting:
→ Use during your morning time or circle time
→ Send a few pages home for extra fine motor practice
→ Useful for reinforcing concepts in a unique way (i.e.: 2D or 3D shapes, names of animals)
→ These are perfect for early finishers!
→ Place laminated or printables in page protectors for your centers. You can change the theme of the center weekly!

More Fun Ideas!
Instead of just using a pencil to trace the pictures and the words, here are more fun, hands-on ways to use these pages:
→ Instead of using a pencil to trace the object, have your children use highlighters, Twistables, markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
→ Outline the object in glue, and have children “trace” the object in yarn. It helps to have the yarn pieces pre-cut for very young ones.
→ Outline the objects using Wikki Stix.
→ Trace the objects using a Q-tip that is dipped in paint.
→ After tracing the object, encourage your children to add to the scene. Draw more rain drops on the rain cloud, draw stripes or polka dots on the party dress, or draw an
underwater scene around a few of the sea animals.
The ideas are really endless! How will you use these pages with your children or students? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments!

[…] Tracing Pages Super Bundle – Do you love these tracing worksheets? Take a look at the 270+ page SUPER […]