Several years ago, my children and I rowed through Warm as Wool by Scott Russell Sanders during our Five in a Row days. I loved Five in a Row and its gentle way of learning, especially if you have mostly young children. While my children seem to remember only a few of our activities (sadly!), the books remain favorites.
Warm as Wool is a beautiful picture of a mother and her sacrificial love for her family.

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Warm as Wool
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Book: Warm as Wool
Author: Scott Russell Sanders
Illustrator: Helen Cogancherry

Warm as Wool is an encouraging and emotional story about a family’s difficult life on the frontier. The Ward Family had very little money and few possessions, yet they worked hard and loved one another fiercely.
The mother in this story, Betsy Ward, sets her mind on purchasing some sheep from a drover passing by. After several setbacks, she’s finally able to gather wool from the sheep, spin the wool into fabric, and sew her family some desperately needed clothes.
My children always deem a story as “being really good if Mama cries!” And I do certainly cry through this one every time.
May we all, as mothers, go to great lengths to provide for the needs of our children. ❤

Learning Activities for Warm as Wool
→ Visit a sheep farm! When our family rowed this book, we visited a sheep farm. What an amazing field trip. We got to see the actual sheep, and also visit the area where the farmer’s wife carded and spun the wool, and then watched a demonstration of her loom.
→ Watch a sheep shearing. This is really neat!
→ The Ward Family moved from Connecticut to the Ohio frontier. Locate Connecticut and Ohio on the map and learn their capitals.
→ Help your child set up a scene from the book diorama-style. Be creative when digging through the toy bin, especially if you have a farm set of Lincoln Log bin!
→ Spend some time sorting through clothes with your children, and find a worthy place to donate those clothes that are too small. Even though the setting of this book is the 1800’s, families still need warm clothing today. ❤
→ Complete the Fold and Learn packet from Five in a Row as you read the book together. These are free, but you do have to sign up for the FIAR emails to access them. I really like these!
➡ For more ideas about wool, make sure you don’t miss A New Coat for Anna Children’s Book.
The 365 days books program. How do you get a copy or are they displayed on line when you join?
Thanks, Brian