One of my main homeschool objectives in the elementary years is exposure. Sure, there are a few subjects that require mastery – math, grammar, Latin – but history, science, and geography are mostly exposure in our homeschool during the younger years.
We used Story of the World for awhile as our main spine in Tapestry of Grace, and it was just right for exposing my children to the world. As I read a few chapters aloud, my girls would color a picture on the same topic.
You can use these World Landmark Coloring Pages in the same style – coloring while reading aloud. Just in case that’s not appealing to your children, I have listed a few more ideas down below!
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➡ Browse through all of the coloring pages here at Mama’s Learning Corner.
World Landmark Coloring Pages with Facts
This is a really neat set of coloring pages. ‘Coloring pages’ tends to make me think of very young learners, however, this set of World Landmark pages can be used through all of the elementary grades.
There are 20 world landmarks included in this set. Each coloring page features one of the landmarks, a few facts about the landmark, and then a handwriting space at the bottom to practice the landmark’s name in print or cursive.
World Landmarks included in this packet:
- Taj Mahal
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Christ the Redeemer
- Chichen Itza
- Stonehenge
- Tower Bridge
- Eiffel Tower
- Pyramids of Egypt
- Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Parthenon
- Great Sphinx of Giza
- Big Ben
- Bradenburg Gate
- Great Wall of China
- Notre-Dame Cathedral
- Statues of Easter Island
- Alcatraz Island
- Maccu Picchu
- Mount Fuji
- Sydney Opera House

Ideas for Using World Landmark Coloring Pages
As I mentioned earlier, I often read aloud from Story of the World while my girls colored a picture related to the same topic. They enjoyed this more simple time in our homeschool life, and I did too.
If you choose this method, you can find a book from your library on world landmarks and read about the landmark while your children color the picture. You could also pull up a few pictures on your tablet or phone and examine them together after you read.
Read one landmark a day, as you make your way through this 20-page packet. If you have the space in your school area, display each day’s landmark and review them all each day before you add a new one.

Another idea is to create a booklet out of this set of coloring pages. My comb binding machine is one of my favorite homeschool purchases through the years, and I use it for projects just like this.
To make this an independent activity, assign your child the reading each day or have her look up the place on the internet in an online encyclopedia.
This type of research is one of the reasons we have an old set of encyclopedias!
Have her work on her World Landmarks booklet until she’s completed them all – one each day or just a few each week.
Your children could also use the included facts on each page as copywork. There are so many opportunities to talk about proper nouns and other grammar concepts with these pages.
One more idea – print out a blank world map and have your child identify all of the places. This is a great opportunity to practice the continents and oceans, cardinal directions, and more.
I’d love to hear how you use these in your own homeschool! Make sure to leave a comment below with your great ideas. 🙂
All Access Pass members can download this World Landmark coloring pages packet in the All Access Pass area.
After you log in, choose the Famous People, History, and Geography page and scroll down until you see this particular worksheet packet. Then just click and your download will start immediately.
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