Preschool Calendar Notebooks – FINALLY! It’s here for the 2018-2019 school year!
I am quite late in getting the calendar notebooks published this year due to our move, however, the Preschool Calendar Notebook is here and ready for your young ones to enjoy!
♥♥♥ Are you looking for the updated Kindergarten and First Grade Calendar? The 2018-2019 version is available!
What is Included in the Preschool Calendar Notebook?
If you use the Preschool Calendar Notebook from year to year, you’ll appreciate the updates for the 2018-2019 school year.
WHAT’S NEW FOR 2018-2019:
→ Cover Page: New boy and girl images to choose from!
→ Updated Monthly Calendar pictures and accompanying date pictures
→ New option for Christian holidays: Choose from a Christian-themed monthly calendar for December 2018 and April 2019! (Christmas and Easter)
→ New pictures for the Color Pages
→ Many new images, fonts, and borders throughout for an updated feel!
This notebook has a couple of pages to complete each day. Note that the pages are designed to be placed in page protectors and for your child to use a dry erase marker.
(Yes, I do get the full multi-colored 12-pack of Expo Dry Erase markers. I let my daughter choose 1 color to use each day. Just changing colors switches things up a bit!)
Monthly Calendars
Monthly Calendars for July 2018 – June 2019 are included. Your child should trace the date each day. She’s welcome to cross the day off of the calendar as a count down to the end of the month.
Monthly Number Pictures
These pictures contain the same amount of days in the month. Your child should find the day’s date and cross it out on the picture. This helps with recognizing numbers and reinforces the date again. He should feel free to write inside the name of the month, or color it, or decorate the letters any way he chooses.
Use a regular pencil to mark of the date, crayons, markers, or even small dot stickers. Or you could change up the implement each day or month just for a change of pace!
‘Today is…’ Page
The ‘Today is…’ page focuses on learning the days of the week and month, as well as the current year and season.
Complete this page each day, encouraging your child to memorize the days of the week and the months of the year. We say them every day until my little ones can recite them to me alone.
‘Today’s weather is…’ and ‘Today I feel…’ Page
At the top of the page, your child draws a circle around the correct weather for the day. I put my youngest daughter in charge of announcing the day’s weather and she thinks this is the best job ever!
Included at the bottom of the page is a section for your child to describe how she feels that day. Have her draw a circle around the face that describes her best.
As a side note, we frequently play this fun feelings game:
- I say, “Let me see your sad face.” And everyone (including me) makes their best sad face.
- I say, “Everyone show their mad face!” Then we all show our growliest mad faces.
- I say, “Let me see your surprised face.” We then show our most shocked surprised faces. (This is everyone’s favorite!)
- Then we end on my saying, “Show everyone your happy face.” And we all end in smiles.
This is a simple game, but so much fun and we play it often – even my 13 year old!
It’s a great game to play when someone is grumpy. You just can’t participate and be in a bad mood. 🙂
‘This is how I write my name…’ Page
On the first of the month, have your child write his name in his best handwriting. It’s interesting to see how a child’s writing changes in just a few months!
‘Shapes I Know’ Page
You can choose to insert all three of the shapes pages at the beginning of the year, or just choose to focus on 1 particular page of shapes.
Place these in page protectors, and your child can trace the shapes with a dry erase marker.
Other ideas: Use red to color each of the shapes with corners or purple to color each shape that does not have a corner. Circle one particular shape on the page and then find other shapes like it around the room. Put an ‘x’ on the shape that starts with the letter P.
Alphabet Practice Page
Practice tracing each letter of the alphabet, using upper and lowercase. Practice just a couple each day or focus on one letter if using a Letter of the Week curriculum.
‘I can count to…’ Page
With this set of number pages, your child will work on recognizing number words. There’s also ample room to practice writing numbers 1 through 10.
How Do I Set Up the Notebook?
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To create your Preschool Calendar Notebook, you’ll need the following supplies:
– copy paper – This is currently the best price!
– page protectors – I purchased these last year and they held up beautifully.
– 3-ring notebook – You will want the durable notebook, not a cheapy one if you want it to last all year.
→ Print each of the pages in the downloaded document. Print them one-sided (not double-sided).
→ Place the July monthly calendar backwards in a page protector. Insert the page protector into your 3-ring-binder. The front of the page protector should be showing the backside of the monthly calendar.
When you turn the page protector (like turning the page in a book), you should see the July Monthly Calendar on the left side of your binder.
→ Using your next page protector, place the July Monthly Number Picture on the front side of the protector. Then slide the “Today is…” Page on the back side of the protector. Insert the page protector into your binder.
Now when your binder is opened, the July Monthly Calendar should be on the left side of your binder pages and the July Number Picture should be on the right. When you turn the page, “Today is…” should now be on the left page.
→ Next, place the “Today’s weather is…” Page in the front side of a page protector. Insert in your notebook.
→ Then, place the alphabet, number, shapes, and color pages in any order you wish.
→ Lastly, print the rest of the pages and store in a Mama or Teacher Folder so you can readily change out the notebook for the next month.
So the order of the pages should be: Monthly Calendar (left side), Monthly Number Picture (right side) —> “Today is..” Page (left side), “Today’s weather is..” (right side)
You can also add other pages to the Preschool Calendar Notebook for more variety!
★ Add in a few Tracing Pages each day. They come in a variety of topics and themes, so this packet would last the whole year!
★ ABC Letter Find would be perfect for your Letter of the Day or Letter of the Week activities. Just add the day’s page to your child’s binder.
★ Color By Number pages are always a hit! Add an ABC Color By Number page to your child’s daily notebook for fun practice. Browse through all of the Color By Number sets here at Mama’s and find more themed packets.
—> Make sure to browse through the hundreds of Preschool and Early Kindergarten Ideas, Printables and Worksheets from Mama’s Learning Corner!
This packet is available for personal and classroom use below:
You can purchase the Calendar Notebook BUNDLE for 20% off!
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Ooh – I really like this! Thanks!
Thanks, Amanda! I’m glad you’re able to use them with your own little peeps. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
I LOVE this packet! Thanks for sharing. My son will enjoy it.
When I download the packet a lot of the text is blurred out. Is anyone else having this problem? For example: the headings for the days of the week are just smears of color instead of colored text. And the titles beneath pictures (the feelings under the faces, the type of weather under the pictures) are just black smudges instead of black text. I re-downloaded the file and had the same problem. Any tips?
Beth, are you viewing it in Adobe Acrobat? If not, make sure that you download the free version of Adobe and open it with that.
I’ve gotten a multitude of emails from Mac users in the past about this same problem. If you use the default pdf reader that Mac has, the formatting is awful.
To view and print as it needs to be, install Adobe and you should be good to go!
Thank you for stopping by!
I do have a Mac! Thanks for the help 🙂
Great! Let me know if that doesn’t do the trick. 😉
It worked PERFECTLY and I changed my default PDF opener, so thanks again 🙂
Hey! I have a mac and was wondering how to change my default settings. It opened in Adobe but all the words and letters are slabs of colors.
YAY!! I figured it out! Thank you I am excited to use these with my son!
Great! Glad you figured it out! 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE — This is simply AmAzing! I cannot say thank you enough for sharing 😀
Thanks, Michele! Enjoy using it with your little peeps.
Awesome! Thank you!
You’re so welcome, Jenny! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
This is wonderful! My littlest just turned 3 and he’s always asking for school work. This will be perfect to start the new school year with. Thank you so much for offering this for free! 🙂
So thrilled you can use it with your kiddos, Meg!
Thank you so much for providing these! I was just thinking today how I wanted to make an easier version of what I have for my older kids. You saved me HOURS!!!
Julie, that thrills my soul to know it saved you time. Time is such a precious commodity to a mother, isn’t it?? Blessings to you –
Thank you so much! This is wonderful! Perfect for my little one!
Excellent, Roxanna! Enjoy!
Thanks so much for sharing! My son will love this. I’m looking forward to your kindergarten version also!
Yes, stop by on Thursday and I’ll have it ready by then!
This looks great, thank you!
So welcome, Meghan! Thanks for stopping by today. 🙂
Thanks so much for you hard work that you are willing to share with us!! I really appreciate it. I will be using it with my 3 year old, and Kindergartener, as it will help him feel a part of what we are doing.
I’m thrilled you can use it with your own little ones, Michelle. Yes the littles love to be included and this is an easy (and cheap!) way to do it. 🙂
Looks amazing. The children are going to be so excited by the colors and pictures. Thank you!!
So welcome, Jenn!
Thanks a lot.
Thank you!! My kids will love this calendar.
Thank you sooo much! I’ve been wanting to start my 4yr old on a more structured schedule but I’ve been a little overwhelmed as I just had our 4th little blessing a month ago (4 in 4yrs. – omw!), so this is such a perfect way to get us going. Thank you for sharing!!
Congratulations, Lori, on your newest little one!! Such a blessing. 🙂 I’m glad you you’re able to use it with your 4yo.
Thank you so much.this is so helpful
Sure thing, Chelsea. 🙂
Thank you so much for all your great free printables. Downloading this tommorow.
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. I’m so tickled you can use them!
Thank you so much for these beautiful pages! So excited to do them with my little girl. 🙂 Greetings from Manila, Philippines!
Welcome from The Philippines, Janet! So glad you’re here. 🙂
Thank you so much! This is wonderful!!
So welcome, Dana!
Just started our first year homeschooling with a preschooler and a kindergartner. Have wanted something just like this but couldn’t find it…till now! Thanks for sharing your hard work!
Glad you can use it, Sarah! I hope to have the Kindergarten/1st Grade one posted by tomorrow afternoon (7/18/2013). 🙂
wow! Thank you! I really look forward to seeing the Kindergarten one, too.
Thanks, Angie! Should have it up in just a couple of hours. Making the final proofs now.
Very nice! Thanks so much! So excited to see the K/1 set! You’re awesome! 🙂
Thanks, Jacqueline. 🙂 The set for K/1st Grades should be up in just a bit!
This is wonderful material. I am so excited to start some home “preschool” with my 3-year old in the fall. I feel way out of my league when it comes to preschool/elementary school (I used to teach high school), so resources like these are incredibly valuable to me! Thanks!
Best wishes on your new journey into homeschooling! It’s a fun, wild adventure. 🙂
So glad you stopped by!
Thank you so much for this! I think my kids will really enjoy it. My husband has been saying that we needed to work on the days and months more. I really think this is going to help us a lot. Bless you.
Thank you, Sarah! I’m so glad you’ll be able to use them in your own school. 🙂
I downloaded the preschool notebook, but the months, seasons, days…are all just blobs rather than words. Any idea as to why?
Hey Kelly – Are you using a Mac, by chance? If so, make sure to look through the comments on this post and see if that will resolve it. 🙂
Let me know if you still have trouble after following the steps suggested in the comments.
Printing these and the kindergarten/1st grade one off for my kids right now! Thank you again for sharing your hard work with us. What a blessing!
Thrilled you can use them, Janelle. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
I am going to use this for my 3 year old she wont be 4 till December but she is ready to learn and do what her big brother does.
I’m tickled you’re able to use them, Kelly. If it turns out to be too much, you can just tuck them away until next year. 🙂
I love this idea! What a wonderful way to work on learning concepts.
Thank you!! It’s been such a hit in our homeschool.
These are fabulous! I use them for my kids and have also linked up to my blog as my featured Freebie of the Day!
I’m new to this so I hope I linked back correctly. Thanks for all you do, you’ve been a real inspiration!
Oh my goodness – such sweet comments on your blog! Thank you 🙂 And you totally did it correctly!
This is so cute. My son will love it!
Wow what a great set of resources you offer! A friend recommended me via facebook, happy to have found you!
Welcome, Laura! So glad you’re here!
I am teaching TK this year and this is a perfect calendar for our use. I hope it is ok for classroom use. I really love it and thank you for sharing your calendar notebook!
I can’t seem to figure out the link to the preschool calendar. Is it working?
I see that none of my downloads are working at the moment. Working hard to figure out what the problem is! So sorry. Hope it will be resolved in just a bit. Thanks for your patience!
I am a preschool English teacher in the Dominican Republic and basically in charge of creating my own curriculum. This is SUPER helpful for my students. The repetition is perfect. Thank you so much.
Feel free to use them in your classroom, Suzanne. 🙂
Thank you for creating a preschool calendar notebook…and for making your printables available to everyone, free of charge. For the first time, I am using a calendar notebook with my son…and your printables are fitting our needs — perfectly!
I love it!! Thank you so much for leaving the link! I tried to post your link on FB, but it won’t let me tonight for some strange reason. Will try again tomorrow. 🙂
This is so great! I’ve been looking for stuff to help prepare my son for Kindergarten. I’m glad I stumbled upon your site! I can’t wait to get our binder started 🙂
Yay! Glad you can use it! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Thank you for providing such a high-quality product for free! My students will benefit from it greatly. 🙂
You’re so welcome, Joanne! Blessings to you and your students as you use them.
Thanks so much! I was using a blank calender with my 4 year old. This will help her so much! She is still learning the beginnings of writing.
Thanks so much for this. I’m just waiting on the 2014-2015 version. This looks great for my preschooler who wants to join in with us always.
Amy – Yes, I will definitely get one made for the next school year! Hopefully at the beginning of next week! 🙂
Is this the 2014-2015? Or can i find that somewhere else? This would be perfect for my 4 yr old too! Please let me know where it is or when it will be available for 2014-2015. Thanks!!
Stephanie, it is not the calendar for 2014-2015. I hope to have that up in the next couple of weeks! Unfortunately, this has gotten pushed back on my to-do list for a bit.
But don’t worry – I WILL publish one for the next school year because we will use this in our own school. So I must get busy working on it! 😉
Hi! Love the calendar…has it been updated yet for the 2014/2015 school year? Thank you so much!
No need to reply…I see the other comments now 🙂
Love these notebook printables. Would love a 2014-2015 set to begin in our year round school this July. Thanks for the great work.
Thanks for a great resource! I can’t wait for the 2014-2015 version!
This looks amazing! Do you know when you’ll be releasing the 2014-2015 version? I’m anxious to use this with my private ESL students. Thanks!
Will the calendar Notebook get updated for 2014-2015? I really find this fun and useful. Thank you
I am interested in the Preschool Calendar Notebook. I’ve downloaded the one available via this page. However, I noticed it is for the 2013-2014 year. Do you have one for the 2014-2015 school year? I can’t seem to locate it on your site. Thanks!
It’s coming soon. I hope 🙂 I’m halfway finished with the Preschool Notebook and will try to finish it up this weekend. There just aren’t enough hours in my day. 🙂
I’m using it with my own preschooler this year, so it will definitely be completed before the school year begins!
Thank you. Best calendar notebook I’ve seen for Kindergarten around!
Jennifer – THANK YOU for such kind words! It took a long time to update, and I appreciate everyone’s patience.
I’m so glad you can use it!
I downloaded the 2014-2015 version but it says the document cannot be opened. I have Windows 7 and Adobe. Any ideas what could be wrong?
Brandi, I have no idea. I’m sorry! Is your Adobe the most recent version? That would be my only guess.
No one else has commented or emailed to say there was an issue. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help! 🙁
How do i download it?
Just click on the image at the bottom of the post. The download should start immediately on your computer. 🙂
This is so great! I have been looking for calender work sheets for my Kinder to add to our lessons. Thanks so much!!
Kim, You are so welcome and I am thrilled you can use them with your Kinder! Enjoy! 🙂
Just wanted to send a huge Thank You!! for these amazing calendar pages. They are exactly what I was looking for and I am so grateful for them!
Sarah, I am SO tickled you can use them! I love it when I find just the thing I’ve been searching for!
Thank you for your comment and stopping by today! 🙂
I love this! Can’t wait to use it with my 4yo! 🙂
I hope your 4yo loves it! Enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by today. 🙂
Great idea. I am going to try using this with my kids. Thank you very much.
I hope your kiddos love them! Thanks for stopping by today. 🙂
Hi, Downloaded this and will definitely use the “Today Is..” and “the weather Is..” page with my 4yo twins, but have you thought about doing more generic monthly calendars/number pictures so those of us around the world could use them (i.e. without American holidays/seasons)??? That would be great! (Even a plain option that I could print on colored paper would make me happy. I’m easy to please!)
Actually, I hadn’t considered that! I will definitely put that option in next year’s calendar. I just made myself a note so I won’t forget. 😉
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave feedback. I just love it when readers do that. 🙂
I just wanted to stop by and say Thank You for this awesome calendar!! My LO is just starting to recognize the days of the week. I think this will be perfect for us to use at home for better learning of days, months & numbers. She is also starting joy school in a couple of weeks. This will be good for her to also mark on the calendar the days she will have classes, so she knows what to expect when. She is a very hands on learner. This calendar will definitely be a hit in out home, So thank you for so generously offering this to mamas like me! You are appreciated =)
Jules, you are so welcome and I hope your LO just LOVES it!! Have fun!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations. I used your calendar last year with my 3 year old and she loved it. I love how interactive it was for us each day. I look forward to using it again this year. Thank you! Thank you!
You’re so welcome! And I am just tickled your little one loved it so!
Enjoy the new school year! 🙂
Will you be updating this for the 2015 – 2016 school year???
Oh definitely! It should be published around the beginning of April. 🙂
Thanks for this! My 5yo starts homeschool Kindy fall 2015 and I am so excited to use your pages for our calendar and weather board. I am going to use the pages in our Thirty-One Hang-Up home organizer (No, I don’t sell it but thought you might want to know how we will use your pages!) I am so excited to start, and so is the littlest one!
What a GREAT idea to use a 31 Hang-Up!! Smart.
Make sure to download the 2015-2016 set, which will be published sometime next week. 🙂
Looking for this for next school year! Have you updated it for 2015-2016 yet? 🙂
I’m putting the finishing touches on it! It will be posted in the next day or two! woo hoo!
I can’t find a way to download the preschool notebook for personal use. Please help. Thank you.
Stephanie, scroll to the bottom of the post where it says, “Click the image to download…” It’s the very last picture in the post. 🙂
The calendars looked so neat. I really wanted to download them to use with my children, but I couldn’t get ANY of them to download. And it says they are still free (1 through today and 1 through tomorrow). 🙁 BUT, it looks like a very neat product. Good job!
Jean, I haven’t removed the free version on either post yet, so they’re both still free. 🙂 You have to scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the image where it reads ‘Click the image below to download the calendar…’
So I’m trying to download the free Preschool Calendar Notebook but it says i have to buy it $5.00
Please explain
Hi Vanessa, When I first published the Preschool Calendar Notebook, it was offered for free to all for 3 days. It’s now a paid product. 🙂
I love all of this, but was wondering if you still have last year’s calendar as well? I work with 3&4 year old’s so some of this is higher than where they are right now.
Thank you!
Hi Jacque!
I do have last year’s calendar, but it’s at the same learning level as this year’s. I’m afraid it wouldn’t be any help to your 3&4’s.
I have the preschool notebook, but I am wanting updated pages for “This is how I write my name.” Do you sell just those individually?
Meghan, send me an email to remind me and I’ll send you a copy of just those pages. 🙂
Do you have one for the new next year coming up 2016-17
Yes, I sure do! It probably won’t be published until April. 🙂
Yes! I just found this and I would love to purchase one for my daughter! 🙂 Please let me know when you release the 2016-2017!!!! 🙂
Hopefully it will be out on or around May 9-10!
So excited! 🙂 Will the new version be an update to the 2015-2016 one that I purchased or will it be a new product?
I’m STILL working on this (whew!) and it will be a new product. Similar style and content but with new images, fonts, and just a few new pages. 🙂
I love your Calendar notebooks and have used them for the last 3 years. In fact, I used the Kindergarten/First Grade one with my 3 grader last year, as he was struggling with the days of the week and the months of the year. This got him all caught up! This year I decided to laminate a lot of the pages, especially the color ones, so I don’t have to print them again next year. I have an early kinder and a first grader in the fall and bought both the pre-school and kindergarten packets and have mixed and matched some of the pages so they can both work on the same things. Also, I like to put a Pencil pouch in the notebook with colored dry erase markers and pencils so that they have everything they need when they open it. I school year round, so we will start using the new notebooks in July. My kids really love working in their notebooks and they teach a lot of important basic knowledge.
Thank you, Heather, for leaving such a detailed comment! I just love all of your ideas.
I’m considering creating one for older grades for the 2018-2019 school year, so you’ve helped jump start those creative ideas.
Thank you!!